NBA Coaches Reject Trump Victory


NBA Spurs coach Gregg Popovich was much more talkative than usual about the Trump presidential victory. He expressed his concern that the US is like the Roman empire ready to fall.

In his strong remarks, he said that the Trump campaign verbal attacks on vulnerable people is not something many would accept from their children, let alone a president. Other coaches suggested a strong displeasure for a Trump administration.

“We just elected an openly, brazen misogynist leader and we should keep our mouths shut and realize that we need to be learning maybe from the rest of the world, because we don’t got anything to teach anybody,” Detroit Pistons coach Stan Van Gundy said “I have been ashamed of a lot of things that have happened in this country, but I can’t say I’ve ever been ashamed of our country until today. Until today. We all have to find our way to move forward, but that was — and I’m not even trying to make a political statement. To me, that’s beyond politics.”

Coach Van Gundy said he could not understand why people could vote for a Trump type of person with his racist and derogatory statement.

Golden State Warriors Coach Steve Kerr also said last week there hasn’t been any “respect and dignity” during the Republican’s campaign.

“And then you walk into a room with your daughter and your wife, who’ve basically been insulted by [Trump’s] comments, and they’re distraught,” Kerr said. “And you walk in and you see the faces of your players, most of them who have been insulted directly as minorities, it’s sort of shocking.”

NBA coaches and highly-paid players have their public platform to express their political disgust over this very hot presidential campaign but the results are final. They have the right to express their opinion but they need to get back to coaching their teams. I wonder how many fans they have alienated with their  public outbursts about our country`s leader. Many people voted for Trump for their own reasons. Coaches and players can bitch and moan all they want but it will subside when or if the fans become pissed off at the continued anti-Trump rhetoric from any NBA team. Their job is playing and winning games and not political commentary.


